"...one of the premier boundary writers in the nation."
--American Surveyor Magazine

Joel M. LeiningerJoel Milton Leininger (1959-__), Maryland Registered Property Line Surveyor No. 467, along with David Paplauckas and Thomas Wilhelm, purchased the assets of the partnership in 1988 from the Tustin brothers and incorporated the firm. Leininger, an expert on boundary law and retracement doctrine, is the author of more than 80 published articles on land surveying and real property, and has lectured across the country on the themes. His well-received 1995 monograph, "Institutes of Boundary Retracement" was the first Maryland-focused, comprehensive treatment of the doctrine, which he subsequently expanded and refined into a treatise of the same name. American Surveyor Magazine called him "one of the premier boundary writers in the nation." Some of his writings may be found here.

Having served for some years as Contributing Editor of Professional Surveyor Magazine (now xyHt), in 1998 he was named Associate Editor of that publication. In 2004, he was appointed Associate Editor of American Surveyor Magazine.

An ex-Marine, Leininger is past-president of the Maryland Society of Surveyors, was named its 1995 "Surveyor of the Year," and was nominated by it in 1998 for the National Surveying Excellence Award presented by the National Society of Professional Surveyors. He also served five years on the Maryland Board for Professional Land Surveyors.

As managing principal, he is currently responsible for the overall operations of the firm. He is the architect and developer of the digital retrieval system through which the firm accesses its vast institutional memory, recognized across the country as the gold standard in surveying archives.

Leininger has testified many times as an expert witness in litigation and before committees of the state legislature in Annapolis. His curriculum vitae may be found here.

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